VPA News
March Meeting: Save the date for next month's meeting on March 4 at 9:15 a.m. where we'll celebrate the arts at Villa and
welcome some of our fantastic specialist teachers as guest speakers: Ben Draper, Shea Salyer, and Patty Makatura.
Volunteer Opportunities: You've also seen via your class reps our new Events
and Initiatives Tracker,
your "One Stop Shop" for contact information and details on the myriad of events and initiatives taking place throughout the year
that help our community thrive. Looking to get involved or want to see what's out there? Check it out! February Meeting: Due
to a recording glitch, the playback link from yesterday's meeting is delayed, but we'll have it for you soon.
February Meeting: Due to a recording glitch, the playback link from yesterday's meeting is delayed, but we'll have it for you soon.