ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

Update from the Head of School

Dear Villa Community,

We are all saddened by the recent increase in gun violence across our country and horrified by the pain, suffering, and anguish felt by families in Buffalo, NY, Laguna Woods, CA, and now Uvalde, TX. As a Catholic school, we know that prayer, compassion, support, and action make a difference, and we know it may feel like it is not enough.

At Villa, our compassion and support for those who suffer from racism and acts of hatred are part of our mission and our legacy from St. Frances Cabrini. Our work is to wrap our arms and hearts around those in our world who experience violence and hatred and work for justice, change, and a healthier, more inclusive world for all of God’s people. These values are the foundation of our Cabrinian mission. At this moment, our values are how we hold discussions of safety, care, and compassion with our students, faculty, staff, and community.

Most importantly, we will continue our strong attention to supporting each student as they process their feelings about safety and gun violence. We will always focus our work on developing their strong toolkit for positive social-emotional growth and development.

Prayer, compassion, support, empathy, and action for justice. This is our Cabrinian mission. Please join me in prayer for families and loved ones who have experienced such horrific loss these past two weeks. Though our hearts are broken, our commitment to our children and each other remains steadfast.

With deep gratitude,

Julie Thenell Grasseschi, Interim Head of School

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