ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

School Counselor Note to Families

Dear Villa Families,

My name is Chelsea McCorry, and I am delighted to introduce myself as Villa’s new School Counselor! I hope that you all have had a nice summer filled with moments to relax and recharge. I recently returned to Seattle after finishing a three-year graduate program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Being back in the city that I love has been wonderful, filled with beautiful nature, delicious foods, and a welcoming community. 

As the 2021-2022 school year begins, I imagine your students are rejoining (or joining for the first time!) their peers and educators with an array of feelings and expectations. A large part of my role at Villa will be supporting your students, their educators, and you as their caregivers in navigating any social and/or emotional challenges that might arise throughout the year. I will also be working proactively to provide students with the skills and knowledge that might help prevent challenges from occurring and help them feel empowered to work with any challenges as they occur.

In honoring Villa’s Cabrinian values and dedication to serve each child holistically, it is my great pleasure to serve as a teacher, helper, and advocate of our students’ social and emotional wellbeing. My unique position allows me to work with and get to know all of the students at Villa. How I help will adjust depending on the needs of the child/ren and his/her/their developmental level. 

Here are a few examples of what my role will look like:

One more note of importance: as a licensed School Counselor, I am required to uphold a set of ethical standards. When meeting with students, I will maintain her/his/their confidentiality. There are only a few exceptions where confidentiality will not be observed, which are explained below:

  1. The student is at risk for being harmed.
  2. The student is at risk for harming someone else.
  3. The student is at risk for harming themselves.
  4. The student knows of previous or possible harm being done to someone else.
  5. The student gives permission to share his/her/their information.

Wow—that was a lot of information! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about what you have read. I welcome you to connect with me at any time if you feel I could better support your student(s) in my role. 

With gratitude,
Chelsea McCorry, School Counselor
(888) 555-1313 x249

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