ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

Lower School: Welcome Back Information and Updates

Greetings, Villa Lower School Families!

We are so thrilled to welcome you back to campus in the coming weeks. The teachers and staff have been diligently making preparations and are eager to have our students join us on campus. I’m sure our students are eager to hear about their class placements. As is the tradition at Villa, those assignments will be emailed to families this coming Monday, August 23rd.

On a personal level, I am both excited and humbled to be working in partnership with you. I think we have a wonderful year ahead! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, and enjoy the remainder of your summer.

COVID Protocols: 

In the summary of Villa Covid Safety Measures shared by Julie Grasseschi, Villa will comply with guidelines from the Washington State Department of Health and the CDC. For visual learners, HERE is an infographic to help navigate Villa’s Covid protocols. We will continue to monitor current recommendations and appreciate your understanding if safety protocols need to change and morph over the course of the year.


Travel for unvaccinated students: 

Travel for vaccinated students: 

Upcoming Dates/Events: 

1. Visit Day August 25th from 4:30-5:30

2. First Day of School is August 31st, 8:30-11:50:

3. Drop off/Pick Up Updates: We will continue to have staggered pick up and a variety of drop off locations in order to allow grade levels to maintain safe distances and grade band cohorting. 

4. Curriculum Nights for Lower school will be held on two separate evenings (VIRTUAL)

Commute Advisory: Please note that the Montlake Bridge will remain closed for maintenance through September 3rd.


Michelle Lorda Sullivan, Interim Lower School Director

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