Athletics Registration Now Open
CYO Sports is returning in 2021! The new schedule is as follows and all offerings are for both boys and girls:
•Volleyball, Grades 4-8: February 27 - May 2
•Soccer, Grades K-3: April 17 - June 5
•Track, Grades 4-8: May 8 - June 5
•Basketball, Grades 3-8: June 12 - August 22
We're lobbying to include all grades for soccer—it really comes down to field availability throughout the city. Also, the dates aren't
optimal for basketball, but if we can field a team with enough players for each game that would be great.
You can register your child HERE (on
VikingNet/Sports Icon) for one or multiple sports. Your account will not be charged until the sport has started. Please note: In order
to obtain an accurate count going forward, registrations completed earlier in the year have been deleted.
We'd also like to continue soccer and basketball pods. You're welcome to form a pod, then contact me for available times on the outdoor
court and the field. All the same rules and protocols that are currently in place will continue.
Please contact me with questions at 206-604-4347.
Thank you,
Cope Miller