ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

Activate your HotLunch Account

Dear Villa Parents,

We are happy to announce our partnership with, nationally renowned software provider, to implement our online lunch order administration. The menu is now available on our new software allowing you to sign up and order lunches.

Please log in at and sign up for an account so you can order lunch for your children throughout the upcoming school year. After you activate your account, you will receive a verification email. Please log into your account within 48 hours.

You will need a campus code to add your children. Your campus code for the new software is: thevilla

You can view some short videos from HotLunch via the links below:

Orders may be placed from any computer, tablet, or this App, once registered. Download’s iOS App from, the domain you need to enter is: thevilla

Once logged in, if you have any questions or need assistance, click on the Software Support option on the bottom left of your navigation panel.

We thank you for your help in getting this implemented and look forward to assisting you in any of your needs,

Chef Allison

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