ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

You've Got a Friend in Me

Villa kids love being buddies! Every child from preschool through 8th grade participates in our Buddy Program. This cherished tradition is an intentional process that builds connection and community across our student body. Not only are the "big kids" demystified in the eyes of our youngest students, our older students understand that their buddies look up to them as leaders.

  • Preschool through 2nd grade students are teamed with older buddies from 4th through 8th grade.
  • Buddies meet monthly and engage in activities, make art, sit together at assemblies, and participate in events like the Halloween Parade.
  • As relationships develop, older students learn to be mentors and younger students feel supported as they grow in confidence.
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