ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!
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Villa Campus

When Distance Learning Ends

Though like most schools, Villa Academy begins the school in distance learing mode, we are uniquely positioned to resume in-person learning when guidelines allow. Our 31-acre campus and facilities enable us to meet stringent health safety guidelines:

  • With a 90,000 square-foot main building, we have maximum flexibility for physical distancing in our spacious classrooms.
  • Expansive outdoor areas allow for a variety of classroom configurations, including the Villa Treehouse: a new 1500 square-foot structure specifically designed as a classroom.
  • Our “inside air” is fresh! Massive banks of double-hung windows in our vintage building supply natural convection ventilation.
  • Along with strict cleaning protocols, hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout our facilities.

With luck and plenty of mask-wearing, we hope to see our students and families in-person soon!

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