ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

Villa Science Fair

Dear 4th-8th Grade Students and Families,

The Washington State Science & Engineering Fair (WSSEF) will be held on April 1st & 2nd, 2022. Designing and conducting an independent science experiment is an exciting opportunity to apply scientific knowledge to a real-world problem. As Villa's Middle School Science teachers, we are excited to support students who are interested in pursuing this opportunity. We also want to encourage all students to explore science outside of the classroom, regardless of whether they're interested in entering a formal competition.

With this in mind, we are writing to announce that we intend to hold a Villa Academy Science Fair for interested students in Grades 4-8 on Wednesday, March 9 from 2:30-3:30pm in the Outdoor Learning Pavillon (Treehouse). The goal of this event is to provide practice and feedback for students who are interested in entering the State competition in April, and also provide a general opportunity for students to conduct and present their own experiment if they aren't interested in entering the State Fair. Please note that participation in the Science Fair is optional - while we encourage all students to participate, there is no pressure to do so.

There are a wealth of resources available to help students be successful in the Science Fair. We encourage interested students to review the WSSEF handbook and how-to-videos. We have also prepared a basic template to help walk students through the steps of completing a Science Fair project.

In order to support any students who are interested in entering the Science Fair, we will be holding 'Science Fair Office Hours' on the following dates. During these times, we will be available to answer any questions students have and to talk through experimental design, data analysis, and presentation strategies with students. Office hours will be held on the 5th Floor in Room 510. We are also happy to meet with students to provide support at other times - please email us to set up an appointment.

Science Fair Office Hours (Room 510)

We are announcing the Science Fair to 4th-8th Grade students this week in school. We will check in with all classes again in January. We'd appreciate it if students who are planning on participating could let us know by completing the attached form or emailing Dr. Marti at

If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to either of us at or Thank you for your continued partnership as we grow the Villa Science Program!


Patrick Marti and Martin Lindenmeyer, Villa Academy Middle School Science Teachers

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