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In non-COVID times, Villa's 2nd grade class would have made a field trip to the Pike Place Market as part of their Social Studies' focus on
"Community." This year, they chose to help the Pike Market Food Bank with a much-needed Hygiene Kit drive.
Students assembled “ready-to-go” hygiene packs in self-contained Ziploc bags that included travel sized items such as shampoo, toothbrush,
soap, hand lotion, and socks. The 2nd grade community came through in a huge way resulting in 200 hygiene kits being
distributed to a very grateful Pike
Market Food Bank. Soon,
volunteer coordinators from this organization will be featured as 2nd grade “Virtual Guest Speakers” where students will learn about the
important work the food bank does and how they serve the Pike Market community.
Through this process, 2nd graders are becoming more aware of how they can help community members in need, even in small ways that make a