ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!
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The Villa Treehouse: A Pavilion for Learning

A spectacular new addition to our campus is the Villa Treehouse, just recently completed after five years of fundraising, planning, permits, and construction. A 1,500 square-foot structure that arches over a wooded slope, the Treehouse is the first permitted structure of its kind in Seattle. It supports our goal to offer a variety of outdoor learning experiences, projects, and activities, no matter what the weather. It can accommodate two classes of 15 at a time and is accessible by students of all ages. The Villa Treehouse awaits the return of our students when Covid-19 restrictions ease, and though not the original intent, it will serve as a way to conduct classes in our socially distanced world!

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