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Teacher Reaches Wide Audience

We congratulate Dr. Patrick Marti, Villa Middle School Science and Math teacher, who was recently featured in an extensive interview on Thrive+Global—a web platform with 2,000,000 unique visitors a month—and on their companion site, Authority Magazine. 

The article, 5 Things You Need To Know To Be A Highly Effective Teacher, encompasses several education topics, and you can read it in its entirety here. Please note that due to a site formatting error in the "Highly Effective Teacher" section, we're including Patrick's insights in an abridged excerpt here.

About Dr. Marti:  He completed his BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, and subsequently earned a fellowship to Cambridge University where he completed his PhD in Natural Sciences. In 2020, Dr. Marti was one of only 10 teachers across the U.S. selected for the National STEM Scholar Program, run by The Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University (WKU).

After teaching science to middle school youth in inner city London as a volunteer, and through working with students in Jamaica and Zambia as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Dr. Marti decided against becoming a research professor as he wanted to inspire and empower youth to use science to make a difference in our world 

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