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Catholic Schools Week 2022 🎉

Dear parents,

Beginning on January 30th and through February 3rd, we are proud to participate in Catholic Schools Week, an annual, nationwide celebration of Catholic Schools’ missions, work, and educational values. The weeklong festivities provide an opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation for our families, students, faculty and staff, and the wider community, who all come together to make Villa Academy a special place.

During Catholic Schools Week, students can participate in exciting Spirit Day activities, including themed dress days. Spirit Week is a fun way to accentuate the positive spirit of joy surrounding everything we do at Villa. Additionally, our Student Council and middle school advisories will deliver spring flowers to our neighbors, and your children will have the chance to thank each of you and their teachers for making their Villa education possible. All of this celebration would not be possible without our foundational legacy of love, compassion, faith-based justice, and inclusion of all people, handed down to us by Mother Cabrini and her Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

As I celebrate our Catholic identity and Catholic Schools Week, I always return to the present day guidance of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart:

“Our actions flow from values found in the life and teaching of Jesus. We strive to respond to others with compassion and to serve with excellence. We seek to communicate God’s personal love in ways that touch hearts, inspire deeper relationships with God, and foster the authentic human and spiritual development of ourselves and others. This is the Cabrinian mission."

The many faith traditions represented in our Villa families are all anchored in a similar commitment to love, compassion, social justice, and inclusion. The Missionary Sisters established a powerful legacy for all of us!

It’s an honor to work and collaborate with our faculty, staff, and community in service to our shared transformational mission, grounded in love and compassion for people of all faiths and backgrounds.

With appreciation for your ongoing partnership,

Julie Thenell Grasseschi, Interim Head of School 

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