ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

Auction Donation Wish List

Adventures and Getaways

Weeklong and weekend stays at vacation homes and condos during any season. Especially desirable are holiday weeks or getaways timed with a special event (concert, film festival, sporting event). Private planes or air miles to round out a getaway package make a great donation, too. Some past destinations that have been popular include:

Unique Experiences

Access to certain people or activities that are generally difficult or impossible to meet without a Villa contact. These could include a small dinner with a thought leader, a camp normally only offered to employees' children, access to a clubhouse or locker room, a foursome on a private golf course, a factory or facility tour with lunch with an executive or designer.

Dinner Parties / Fine Dining

Dinner parties can be for 8-20 people and hosted in either your home or the home of the winning bidder. Suggest a fun theme or see some ideas under Count-Me-Ins.


Wine donations ranging from your favorite, affordable wines to those impossible-to-buy boutique wines.

Sporting Event Tickets

Arts & Culture

Tickets or backstage tours for cultural events such as the symphony, plays, ballet, concerts, TV shows or movie sets.

Count-Me-In for Adults Events

Our most popular items, CMIs have a specific number of spots available at a set price and are offered to the Villa community. Host with your friends and other parents from your class. We welcome hosts for a mix of casual, fun, and fancy events for parents.

Count-Me-In for Students Events

Like adult CMIs, these have a specific number of spots available at a set price and are offered to Villa students (keep in mind, the ticket price point for student parties should be reasonable to promote inclusivity among the students). These could be created to appeal to certain grade levels, genders, or divisions.

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