ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!

NEW COVID Quarantine & Testing Updates

Dear Villa parents,

Our community’s incredible support has made all the difference during the pandemic, and it will continue to serve as an anchor during this new wave. We are profoundly grateful for your due diligence and caution, knowing that Villa’s safety protocols are only as strong as our collective choices. While it sounds simple, even the choice of staying home with simple cold symptoms protects our students, teachers, and staff. Thank you for remaining a dependable and trusted partner!

The state of Washington’s Department of Health has updated its COVID requirements and guidance for K-12 schools. As such, there are updates to Villa’s COVID isolation and quarantine policies. We also wanted to share our progress in providing diagnostic and screening COVID testing at Villa. 

When any COVID symptoms are present, please stay home and get tested as outlined below:

Changes/Additions to Villa’s Isolation, Quarantine & Testing Policies:

Preparing for COVID testing
at Villa:

Rapid Antigen Tests
at Villa:

PCR Pool Testing
at Villa:

Villa’s Strong COVID Mitigation Layers:

Lastly, please note that even before the pandemic, all schools were experiencing a teacher shortage, including an acute shortage of substitute teachers. The pandemic has exacerbated this shortage, and though we have been fortunate, there remains the real possibility that Villa will experience some short-term staffing shortages, leading to grade or division level remote learning for short periods of time. The best way to help mitigate this potential disruption is by following COVID precautions and protocols. As always, it is our plan to have in-person learning as safely as possible for all learners with the least amount of disruption possible.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, flexibility, and cooperation as we weather the Omicron wave together. Your commitment to Villa’s transformational, Cabrinian mission and your ongoing grace, compassion, and kindness are a testament to our wonderful community.

With deep gratitude,

Julie Thenell Grasseschi, Interim Head of School 

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