ISEE Test Prep Session - January 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register Today!
Beyond The Desk
10 Things We Love

The Villa Experience

Our experience at Villa has been outstanding. Our kids have benefited from teachers highly attuned to their academic needs; both challenging them and supporting them. As parents, we have appreciated the individual attention to our kids and responsiveness to our questions. I think it's important to visit Villa in order to appreciate the joy that bubbles from the kids, the commitment of the faculty, and the amazing campus. – Randy B."

“ Our experience at Villa has been outstanding. Our kids have benefited from teachers highly attuned to their academic needs; both challenging them and supporting them. As parents, we have appreciated the individual attention to our kids and responsiveness to our questions. I think it's important to visit Villa in order to appreciate the joy that bubbles from the kids, the commitment of the faculty, and the amazing campus. – Randy B.



acres of learning



faculty with advanced degrees



middle school service hours



Viking sports teams



students in theater arts



students of color



after school enrichment classes



financial aid awards

Villa News

Prayer, compassion, support, empathy, and action for justice. This is our Cabrinian mission. Please join me in prayer for families and loved ones who have experienced such horrific loss these past two weeks.

Grandfriends Day 2022

Join us on Friday, May 13th!

This letter is a standard notification that Villa Academy is in compliance with the Federal Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

A progress report regarding our ongoing efforts to provide access to student COVID testing and maintain a safe environment for students and faculty to stay in school during the Omicron wave and beyond. 

On January 7th, 2022, the state of Washington’s Department of Health updated its COVID requirements and guidance for K-12 schools. As such, there are updates to Villa’s COVID isolation and quarantine policies. We also wanted to share our progress in providing diagnostic and screening COVID testing at Villa. 

On January 4th, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated and clarified the recent changes that they instituted for isolation and quarantine when a person has COVID (isolation required) or is in close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 (quarantines sometimes required).

We are happy to announce our partnership with, nationally renowned software provider, to implement our online lunch order administration. The menu is now available on our new software allowing you to sign up and order lunches.

After a year's absence, Villa Academy is preparing to offer our school lunch program beginning September 7 to our K-8 students. Get ready for a brand new system of meal pre-ordering and delivery!

If we have learned anything from the last fourteen months of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that plans, protocols and policies will change on a regular and frequent basis. With this reality as context, I want to give you a sense of what the start of the 2021 - 2022 academic year will look like as of June 25, 2021.

We warmly congratulate the three Villa Alumni who have continued on their path of academic excellence at Holy Names.

Villa’s Night Out(side) on Saturday, May 22, is a night of celebration for our adult (21+) community. It's a chance to gather (safely!) to show our heartfelt gratitude for being a part of this extraordinary school that feels like home. 

Register for Grandparent & Special Friends Day

Register for Grandparent & Special Friends Day

Invitations to our Virtual Grandparents & Special Friends Day have been emailed. Please register to attend.

Land Purchase Campaign Open House

Update from the Head of School

Prayer, compassion, support, empathy, and action for justice. This is our Cabrinian mission. Please join me in prayer for families and loved ones who have experienced such horrific loss these past two weeks.

Moana, Jr. Tickets on Sale!

Buy your tickets today!

Grandfriends Day 2022

Join us on Friday, May 13th!

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